Honey with Kalamansi, Honey with Cinnamon and my Dell XPS M1210

Honey with Kalamansi, Honey with Cinnamon

I am not yet fully recovered, I am still on self isolation in our kitchen for respect to my flat mates. I live in a flat with several OFW families. For the mean time it will be hiatus for fresh recipe and this post is not about recipe

Honey is not only great ingredient in cooking. It is believed that honey mixed with other organic ingredients is a home remedy cure for numerous common illnesses. I wouldn’t discuss any further. I am not an expert on this matter, most of you must have received unsolicited e-mails about this subject, my advised don’t believed everything you received in your e-mail it is best to consult persons that have good knowledge on the subject. I would like only to share the following honey cure which I have found to work base on my experience.

Honey with kalamansi plus 30 minutes to 1 hour or more brisk walking to reduce weight. This cure was given to me by my Singaporean Chinese colleague when I was working in Singapore. I a small glass of warm water add in 2 tablespoon of pure honey and 1/2 tablespoon of kalamansi juice, mixed thoroughly to be taken first thing in the morning with out any other thing until you completed the brisk walking. It is very important to do at least five minutes stretch warm up before starting your brisk walking. I did this for more than four months, first few days I was walking only around my block, second week two blocks and more blocks on the succeeding weeks. Until I was not using the elevator anymore I lived in the 12 floor. All I received was admiration from my friends and colleague I lost almost 30 kg. Great huh.

Honey with cinnamon powder for high blood pressure. I am diagnosed with hypertension for almost ten years now. I am on medication ever since. Hypertension is killer that can strike any time. Traidor na sakit so you have to be always ready against it by taking the medication with out fail. When I arrived here in Abu Dhabi about 3 years ago. An Indian colleague recommends to me honey with cinnamon powder as a supplement remedy for my hypertension. In a glass of warm water add in 2 tablespoon of pure honey and 1/8 tablespoon of cinnamon powder, mixed thoroughly to be taken first thing in the morning at least 30 minutes before your breakfast, it is very important not to take anything even water before breakfast. I have been doing this for some time already and I do see and it works for me, of course together with the medicine prescribed by my doctor and healthy diet.

Honey with cinnamon powder to relieve upset stomach. Take 2 tablespoons of honey sprinkled with cinnamon powder. For the previous days I was taking cocktails of antibiotics, paracetamol and other medicines, you could only imagine how they are reacting inside my tummy.

One last thing buy the purest honey you could find, some say pure honey will not easily dissolve in water. Of course it is very difficult to distinguish pure, adulterated or fake honey. If you are not very careful you end up with another killer disease like diabetes.

Just go on the price tag, pure honeys are pricey. I was looking for them at supermarkets in Metro Manila, they are not available all that are in the shelve are honey syrup for pancakes and pastries. Try a reputable heath store.

The above honey cure actually worked in me, it is my advice to consult your doctor before trying this cure, it might not work for you for some other factors. Feel free to give feedbacks.


  1. natuwa naman talaga ako dito ha ha ha...^_^ biglang may laptop eh. pero salamat ng marami sa mga recipe mo... ang linaw lahat at parang ang dali the way you explain it all. :-)

  2. is there any chance a recipe for aristokrat rice? i love that rice i just wondering what kind of recipe d they use and also that chicken aristocrat.I'm leaving in australia briabane i missed the food so much.and also the gooddelocks cakes any chance of there recipe?

  3. This Honey with cinnamon powder for high blood pressure. I will try I, had hypertension since last year and until now still not cure. I do madical check-up every month and yet my blood pressure still not normal. My problem I am a chains smoker I can't stop for almost 25 years, I am 42 now. Can you have remedy for this? I try so many things to stop my smoking e.g. chewing gum, candy..etc. in the end I don't won. It's looks I'm very addicted.


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