Ginisang Togue with Tokwa

Ginisang Togue with Tokwa
Ginisang Togue with Tokwa. It was when I come to Manila that I have first tasted togue or mung bean sprouts. It was unheard off in our household back in the place where I grow up. I could not forget the first time I tried ginisang togue with diced tokwa and small shrimps.

Ginisang Togue with Tokwa Recipe

The tastes of togue was something foreign to my young taste buds that time I could not resist flavor of almost uncooked tastes of togue which also give an after taste that usually linger for sometime and the taste of tokwa and shrimp juice. Since then ginisang togue is one of my favorite vegetable dish, it is regularly cooked at our home. Here is my version.


1 kilo togue, mung bean sprouts
1/4 kilo medium size shrimp
3 cake tokwa, firm tofu, cut into strips, fried
1 small bundle Baguio beans, diagonally slice thinly
1 small size red bell pepper, cut into 2” strips
1 small size carrot, cut into 2” strips
1 medium size tomato, chopped
1 medium size onion, chopped
1/2 head garlic, chopped
1/4 cup patiscooking oil

Cooking procedure:

Ginisang Togue with Tokwa - Cooking Procedure

Remove head, peel off shell and legs of each shrimp. Set aside head, shell and legs. Slice each shrimp at the back and remove intestine. Using pestle and mortar pound into paste shrimp head, shell and legs. Dilute paste in 1 to 1 1/2 cup of warm water. Pass thru a sieve to separate shells from the juice. Set aside shrimp juice. In a sauce pan, sauté garlic, onion and tomato. Add shrimp, stir for 3 to 5 minutes or until shrimps are just cooked. Add in patis and shrimp juice cook for another 3 to 5 minutes. Add carrots and beans and cook for 2 to 3 minutes, now add togue, red bell pepper and fried tofu cook for another 1 to 2 minutes or until vegetables are just half cooked add more salt if required. Serve with fried dish.


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