Grilled Tanguige Steaks with Star Margarine Garlic Sauce

Grilled Tanguige Steaks with Star Margarine Garlic Sauce
Grilled Tanguige Steaks with Star Margarine Garlic Sauce. King fish or Taguige is a tasty but delicate. When sliced into steaks grilling is sometimes tricky. The fish meat will tend to stick to the grills or grilling plates when it is not heated properly. They also disintegrate or break up when turned or fliped prematurely, otherwise grilled tanguige steaks are great and definitely all fish loving Pinoy will agree to me.

Grilled Tanguige Steaks

For my Grilled Tanguige Steaks with Star Margarine Garlic Sauce I used my ever reliable ribbed hotplate. The advantages of using ribbed hotplate are you will have better control on temperatures and easier to flip the fish steaks. Using ribbed hotplates will give a more distinct burn marks to the fish which give more visual appeal.

For the sauce of my Grilled Tanguige Steaks with Star Margarine Garlic Sauce, as the name suggest I use Star Margarine instead of butter, I also used kinchay for the aromatics in addition to the fried garlic, these has made the dish very Pinoy.

Here is the recipe of my Grilled Tanguige Steaks with Star Margarine Garlic Sauce, try it.


4 large slices tanguige steaks
1/2 head large garlic, peeled, chrushed, chopped
1 small buch kinchay, trimmed, chopped
1/3-1/2 cup Star Margarine
1/3 cup soy sauce
3 to 5 kalamansi, juice extracted
cooking oil to fry the garlic
salt and pepper

Cooking procedure:

Grilled Tanguige Steaks with Star Margarine Garlic Sauce - Cooking Procedure

Marinate the tanguige steaks with the mixture of soy sauce, kalamansi and a few dash salt and pepper for at least 5 minutes. In a small sauce pan fry the garlic until golden brown, then add in the Star margarine and kinchay, continue to stir cook for 1 to 2 minutes at low heat. Turn off heat and keep aside. Heat the hot plate until it start to smoke. Grill fish for 3 to 5 minutes on each side at medium heat. When done arrange the fish in a platter and pour over the Star Margarine Garlic sauce. Serve immediately.

Inihaw na Talakitok sa Hotplate
Inihaw na Bangus, Pinaputok na Bangus
Inihaw na Isda sa Tanglad
Pinaputok na Talakitok, Pinaputok na Isda
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