Kinilaw na Lato

Kinilaw na Lato
Kinilaw na Lato. Lato is a type of seaweed, has green colored tiny bulb like grapes attached to a thick stem. Back in the province, we regularly have lato or guso on the table. But in Manila where fresh lato or any other seaweeds is rarely seen in the market people don’t even know what it is.

Kinilaw na Lato Recipe

That is why lot of city people really don’t like eating seaweeds not unless of course you are from or live along the seashores.

Kinilaw na Lato Dish

Lato salad is rich in iodine so with other seaweeds. For those who want to try this dish here is the recipe of my kinilaw na lato. Enjoy.


1/2 kilo lato
1 small size onion, diced
2 small size tomato, diced
1 thumb size ginger, chopped into small strips


Clean lato of debris and trim spoiled parts and thick stems, rinse with running water, drain and keep chilled in refrigerator for 10 to 15 minutes before serving. In the meantime prepare dressing by mixing onion, tomato, ginger and season with a dash of salt. When ready to serve, toss lato and prepared dressing and drizzle with kalamansi juice. Serve immediately while chilled.


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